About Us
In the summer of 2020, Zach, the owner of Nova Pest Control, was presented with an opportunity to move to Lewiston, Idaho and manage and own a portion of a motel. Despite having no prior experience in running a business, let alone managing a team, he accepted the offer.
As he settled into his new role, he quickly discovered that one of the biggest problems the motel faced (aside from his lack of experience) was a bed bug infestation. Zach, being inexperienced in treating for bed bugs, reached out to multiple pest control companies in the area, but was disappointed with the service he received from them.
This experience led Zach to realize the opportunity to return to what he knew best: pest control. You see, before he moved to Lewiston, he was in his fifth year of working in the pest control industry.
Instead of giving up, he decided to use his resources from the industry, and quickly came up with a plan to get rid of the bed bugs himself.
Shortly after, Nova was born.
Determined to have Nova be as succesful as possible, Zach called some friends (Tyler and Josh) that he had worked with in the industry and together, and brought them on as business partners. They have come up with a plan on how they believe they can compete with (and beat) some of the biggest pest control companies in the nation.